Support Case

Policy Review & Advisory

DI supported JICA and MARD

• Client: Japan’s JICA & Vietnam’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD)
• Country: Vietnam
• Industry: ODA/public investment


Vietnam is at a pivotal stage of export promotion, with a strategic emphasis on attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) in the processing industry to enhance its export capacity. Key success factors for FDI attraction include establishing a robust production base supported by solid infrastructure and favorable policies. Japan, as one of the world’s top five importers, offers significant opportunities for Vietnam, which is already a leading exporter in Asia. However, a notable mismatch exists between Vietnam’s product offerings and Japan’s market demand, limiting the potential for collaboration.

To address this gap, the governments of Japan and Vietnam initiated discussions to explore how specific provinces in Vietnam could attract FDI from Japan effectively. DI was engaged to provide expert consulting services, focusing on understanding Japan’s agricultural product demand, identifying promising combinations of target products and model provinces, and proposing strategic directions to facilitate increased Japanese FDI in Vietnam’s agricultural sector.

Support Overview:

DI conducted a comprehensive analysis to bridge the gap between Vietnam’s agricultural product exports and Japan’s market demand while identifying pathways to attract Japanese FDI.

Market Demand Analysis:
DI analyzed Japan’s market to identify high-demand agricultural products and mapped these against Vietnam’s current export portfolio. This analysis highlighted potential opportunities to align Vietnam’s agricultural production with Japan’s import needs.

Target Product-Province Matching:
DI evaluated Vietnam’s provinces based on infrastructure, policy environment, and agricultural production capabilities. Promising combinations of target products and model provinces were identified, considering factors such as climate suitability, existing production capacity, and logistical advantages.

Strategic Recommendations for FDI Attraction:
DI proposed actionable strategies for Vietnam to attract FDI from Japan, including policy adjustments, targeted marketing efforts, and the establishment of partnerships between Vietnamese producers and Japanese importers.

Implementation Roadmap:
An initial roadmap was developed to guide the Vietnamese government in implementing these strategies, emphasizing improvements in production infrastructure, policy incentives for investors, and alignment with Japan’s stringent quality and safety standards.

DI’s work provided a structured approach to enhance Vietnam’s FDI attractiveness and strengthen its export ties with Japan.

Image: DI’s approach concept proposed for project implementation


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