Dream Incubator SEA (“DI SEA”) Country Manager of Indonesia Hendry Pratama was delighted at the opportunity to deliver a joint presentation with Mr. Kazuki Sakamoto – JICA Indonesia’s Project Formulation Advisor – on 21st November 2022 concerning JICA’s studies on impact investment ecosystem and NINJA accelerator for seed-stage impact-driven startups within the framework of Indonesia Development Forum 2022, a G20 summit follow-up event chaired by the Ministry of National Development Planning (“BAPPENAS”) of the G20 host country Indonesia.
The talk is aimed to spark dialogue among policy makers, investors, and local businesses about current government priorities and directions on overarching industry policies, important aspects of social impact to focus on, how DI SEA could help bridge the gaps between stakeholders in this horizon, actionable ways to co-build a social impact ecosystem coupled with tangible impact measurement schemes and form meaningful partnerships across dimensions to combat some of the most pressing societal issues in the country.
DI’s 3Es (Entry, Expansion, Evolution) approach, social impact investment ecosystem framework, and its ongoing product/market fit verification hub and impact assessment initiatives also captured the audience’s attention, with many showing applause for startup grant-based programs and interest in engaging in similar activities in the immediate future. At the event, some participants also exchanged opinions and questions on further pathways for fruitful university-business-government collaborations and investment opportunities that JICA and DI are pursuing. A BAPPENAS representative also offered a particular suggestion to create positive social impact for marginalized populations without necessarily requiring to use advanced and revolutionary technologies such as quantum computing or machine learning to scale the operations.
More details about the event can be found at https://indonesiadevelopmentforum.com/id/2022/
Minister of National Development Planning of the Republic of Indonesia (BAPPENAS) Dr. Suharso Monoarfa speaks at the event
Director of Industry, Tourism and Creative Economy (BAPPENAS) Dr. Teguh Sambodo (left), JICA Indonesia’s Project Formulation Advisor Mr. Kazuki Sakamoto (right), and DI SEA’s Country Manager Mr. Hendry Pratama (middle)
Q&A session
Summary doodle for DI’s session by Indonesia Development Forum 2022’s organizer