Dream Incubator Inc. (DI), based in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, and led by President Takayuki Miyake, signed a contract with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in October 2023 on a new project to develop next-generation social entrepreneurs. JICA is an independent administrative agency that supports international cooperation in developing countries as part of Japan’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) efforts. Under JICA’s vision of “Connecting the world with trust,” DI has commenced research for the establishment of the JICA Social Start-up Lab.
The Social Startup Lab (tentative name) is a new program designed to address social challenges and drive sustainable development by developing individuals with expertise in social entrepreneurship and fostering collaborative business opportunities. JICA has been implementing ODA projects in over 150 developing countries and annually training over 8,000 international professionals across diverse sectors. DI and JICA will leverage their extensive experience and trusted relationships in each country to encourage innovation among local universities, research institutions, social entrepreneurs, and talented individuals in developing nations.
Key Points of the Project
What is the Social Startup Lab?
Building on JICA’s trusted relationships with developing countries, our goal is to establish a business incubation program that fosters social entrepreneurs in both Japan and developing nations by leveraging DI’s operational expertise and international network. Additionally, we will use JICA’s network to recruit highly motivated individuals from developing countries who are eager to address social issues as trainees in Japan.
To promote social entrepreneurship in Japan and developing countries, we plan to create a social startup curriculum in collaboration with Japanese universities, research institutions, and social entrepreneurs. This will involve facilitating connections between trainees and Japanese participants, as well as providing support for entrepreneurial endeavors, including market research for business ideas.
Furthermore, through operating the Lab, we aim to develop a knowledge base and network that will facilitate the sustainable creation of social entrepreneurs and businesses, ultimately leading to significant social impact.
Toward the establishment of the Social Startup Lab
Regarding the establishment of the Social Startup Lab, its purpose is to serve as a meeting place for individuals seeking information on social issues, technologies that can help address these issues, and talented individuals with strong ambitions. At the lab, participants will have the opportunity to learn from one another, facilitate business development, and build a network of human resources that can lead to further innovation. The project will unfold in two phases: from October 2023 to June 2024, the Lab’s functions and values, as well as the division of roles among partners, will be examined. The second phase, scheduled for July 2024 to June 2025, will involve testing a business model for the Lab’s full-scale operation, including the reception of trainees in Japan. Furthermore, discussions about the specific functions of the Social Startup Lab will take place with universities, local governments, accelerators, investors, companies, and relevant organizations in developing countries.
About Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is in charge of implementing Japan’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) by offering technical cooperation, financial aid, and grant assistance to tackle challenges faced by developing nations. JICA operates in over 150 countries and regions, understanding that global issues are closely linked to Japan. Through partnerships with both domestic and international collaborators, JICA aims to address these challenges, thereby aiding in global peace, prosperity, and the continuous development of Japanese society.
Comments on this project (Makoto Miyauchi, Executive Officer at DI Inc.)
DI Inc. has been engaging in diverse co-creation initiatives in collaboration with a broad range of stakeholders in Japan and internationally. The aim is to address social challenges in developing countries and foster new businesses through an innovative public-private partnership framework. Specifically, issues of a global nature that extend beyond Japan’s borders, such as carbon neutrality, climate change, aging populations with declining birthrates, and maintenance of aging infrastructure, are complex problems that cannot be addressed by a single company alone. It is crucial to establish industries through public-private partnerships to tackle these challenges effectively.
DI has also conducted several public-private partnership projects to help Japanese companies and start-ups contribute to solving global social issues through market research such as the “Information Collection and Verification Study for the Realization of Asian Regional Social Start-up Support Mechanism,” the “Information Collection and Verification Study for the Promotion of Global Environmental Solutions through Effective Implementation of Global SME and SDG Business,” and the “Information Collection and Verification Study for Start-ups in the Latin America and Caribbean Region.”
This “Research Project for Establishment of Social Startup Lab” serves as a launching point to further drive JICA’s efforts in addressing social issues and business growth. This involves implementing an incubation function to cultivate social entrepreneurs within society. We understand this project’s substantial importance for developing countries and domestic industries. Through this initiative, DI aims to fulfill JICA’s mission of “Connecting the world with trust” via public-private partnerships.
- At Sojitz, he engaged in trading/marketing for ASEAN market, marketing, and SCM construction of various consumer goods in Japan.
- At DI’s Tokyo headquarters, he is mainly engaged in developing new business and growth strategies for large companies, establishing and executing global expansion strategies, creating next-generation industries, and establishing social solution finance schemes through public-private collaborations.
- During his time at DI Vietnam (2014-2020), he worked on creating new businesses to address social issues and developing social systems for emerging countries through public-private partnerships. His focus was on domestic demand-oriented sectors such as agriculture and food value chain, healthcare, consumer goods, and logistics across the emerging ASEAN region. Additionally, he was involved in various tasks including strategic consulting for the Vietnamese government and major Japanese and Vietnamese companies, M&A advisory, and expanding DI Inc.’s ASEAN business base.
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